Happy Learn Haskell Tutorial Vol 1

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Written and illustrated by GetContented.

Published on 2024-05-24.


Main Table of Contents
Previous chapter: 20. Basic Input
21. Getting Set Up
... 21.1. Mac Set Up
... 21.2. Manual Set Up
... 21.3. Questions & Community
Next chapter: 22. Frequently Asked Questions

21. Getting Set Up 🔗

Thankfully, these days, Haskell is a reasonably easy programming language to get started with. Having said this, all programming languages aren’t particularly easy at the beginning.

We have two ways that we recommend to get started.

21.1. Mac Set Up 🔗

If you have a Mac, and a small amount of money to spend, then we very much recommend checking out https://haskellformac.com. It’s a really simple, easy way to get off the ground in Haskell, and complements this book quite well. The publishers of this tool have made it so you can pretty much just dowload it and start typing Haskell in and get compiling without worrying too much about the tooling normally involved.


21.2. Manual Set Up 🔗

The alternative to this is that you need to know how to use the command line at least enough to install software. Again, thankfully, setting up Haskell here is a lot easier than it has been very recently in the past. If you don’t know how to use the command line, though, there's a nice little tutorial here: https://www.davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/command-line/.

To get set up with Haskell in this way, go to https://www.haskellstack.org and follow the instructions. The people who set up the stack installer have spent quite a bit of effort on making the install process reasonably easy.

21.3. Questions & Community 🔗

Haskell has a very helpful and enthusiastic community. If you go to https://www.haskell.org/community you can read about the latest ways to connect with the community and get help if you have any problems with getting started, or any other questions at all.

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Also, Volume 2 is now in beta and being written! Show your support and register your interest at its Leanpub site.

Main Table of Contents
Previous chapter: 20. Basic Input
21. Getting Set Up
... 21.1. Mac Set Up
... 21.2. Manual Set Up
... 21.3. Questions & Community
Next chapter: 22. Frequently Asked Questions